An Expert’s Review of Mr. David Grusch

On July 25, 2023, former US Air Force intelligence officer David Grusch said (under oath) at a hearing of the House Oversight Committee on National Security that the U.S. government is in possession of UFOs and non-human bodies. Grusch used the term UAPs - or “unidentified aerial phenomena," - the official term the US government uses instead of UFOs. He further claimed that the U.S. government has probably been aware of this "non-human" activity since the 1930s. Grusch further stated that the Pentagon’s alien technology reverse-engineering program has been around for decades.

I watched both the Congressional testimony of Mr. Grusch and the excellent interview of him by journalist Ross Coulthart, whose perceptive questioning of Mr. Grusch allowed me to gain a much better perspective in terms of his truthfulness with regard to his claims. Was Mr. Grusch being deceptive during his interview – for whatever reason, or was he telling the truth?  

As a polygraph examiner, I had the benefit of the most popular lie detector test used throughout the world. I was able to measure in real time a person’s physiological arousal factors, including heart rate, blood pressure, respiration, perspiration, and skin conductivity. Determining if a person was deceptive was made easier with this instrument. Determining deception through nonverbal communication cues is a much harder process.

What did I observe? There were numerous cues that no doubt indicate a high level of stress verging on some level toward deception on the part of Mr. Grusch: 

  • Interlaced fingers

  • Answering in a guarded tone with words chosen very carefully

  • Crossed arms on the table

  • Lip compression

  • Contempt smile

  • Eye blocking

  • Eye flutter

  • Over-selling his story

  • Not answering a specific question that could be answered with a simple “yes” or “no”

  • Shaking his head “no” when answering “yes”

I believe Mr. Grusch was extremely well coached and was very aware of the questions he was going to face. There is no doubt in my mind that he rehearsed his answers as he was very comfortable, almost giddy in answering them. I do not believe that he was purposely being deceptive. He believed that what he was saying was the truth, but could not offer any real evidence to his extraordinary claims. His hand gestures indicated that he wanted to be believed but was fearing that he was not. Given the answers he chose to put forth at both the interview and during his congressional testimony, I believe there to be a much wider narrative and a bigger purpose behind Mr. Grusch’s claims…we’ll just have to wait and see what that is.


Appearance on WGRZ-TV: Oklahoma City Bombing Documentary


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